This is what arts ed advocates have been waiting for. A funding stream from the Federal government that can be used for music and the arts.
One of the best things about ESSA is a new grant opportunity for subjects that are considered well-rounded, including music and the arts. Known as the Student Success and Academic Enrichment Grant program (SSEA), funded through Title IV Part A, the intent of this flexible block grant is to provide:
- Access to, and opportunities for, a well-rounded education for all students.
- School conditions for student learning in order to create a healthy and safe school environment.
- Access to personalized learning experiences supported by technology and professional development for the effective use of data and technology.
Take a look HERE at my article published by Music & Arts on the who, what, when, where and how of Title IV Part A funding.
Savvy advocates are tapping in to these funds for music and the arts under the first category of well-rounded education. A snapshot survey conducted by The NAMM Foundation and NAfME showed that districts have allocated from $1000 to over $2.5 million for the arts. Funding has typically been used for professional learning, staffing, instructional materials, equipment and supplies (including instruments), curriculum development and arts partnerships.
It may take patience and some sleuthing to understand your district’s process for accessing these funds, but it’s well worth it.
And remember that this program is not guaranteed. We need to continue to advocate to our Congressional members for full funding at $1.6 billion for the SSAE grant program (Title IV, Part A) in ESSA!
See the Links page to view useful resources.
Photo by Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash